Momentum Sliding Discs
Momentum shoes feature a velcro based slider and gripper system. This allows you to configure your shoes to suit your needs, whether it's for right handed or left handed curling. Or, get even more creative if you have specific needs. Tuck sliders who wish to have a gripper on their heel can easily do so with Momentum shoes.
These structurally reinforced teflon sliders improve on traditional sliders by providing increased stability and lighter weight, all while maintaining a traditional speed rating of either Speed 8 or Speed 11. Speed 8 is equivilant to traiditonal 5/32" teflon, and Speed 11 is equivilant to 1/4".
The velcro portion has been deliberately left off of the back half of the toe piece to allow more flexibility of movement. This "hinged" slider makes walking more natural and allows tuck sliders to get all the way up on their toe during delivery.
Ratings & Reviews
4 Reviews
Kristy| 12/14/2022 2:23 PM
I have come from a stainless steel slider. Which I adored and this slider seems to be abit faster. Great quality.
Daniel Legault| 1/15/2023 8:23 AM
très confortable d'après le client
Easy to put on
Ell| 8/30/2024 9:39 AM
Easy to put on, durable, fast
Excellent curling shoes for a tucker slide
Roxanne Blais| 12/8/2024 12:56 PM
My husband loves his curling shoes, he find them really comfortable and are adequate for his tucker slide.